Cessna 172 Deep Dive

Learn all about the Cessna 172 in this 3D animated free class.

  • Almost 1.5 hours of short and engaging videos.
  • Explore how the electrical & fuel systems work.
  • Understand the weight & balance and limitations of this airplane.
  • Discover how to pre-flight and start the engine.
  • Practice more than 11 different procedures including emergency checklists.
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$0 - Free Course

Cessna 172 Procedure Trainer

Cessna 172 Procedure Trainer

Our class comes with a free Cessna 172 procedure trainer that has more than 11 different checklists. Learn the flow so you can be more proficient in the aircraft.
Practice normal procedures such as starting the engine, the before landing checklist, and more. You can also equip yourself with knowledge on procedures for emergencies such as engine failure on takeoff, engine & electrical fires, and emergency landings without power.

Join Over 250,000 Happy Pilots

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$0 - Free Course

FAQ Got questions? Get the answer below. You can also contact us.

How do I get started and access all of the videos?

Simply use the enroll button above to get started. You will need to create an account to track your progress and be able to leave comments on videos.

Why is this course free?

This course is part of our ongoing series of free classes. We want to lower the cost and increase the accessibility of flight training.

Pilot's Guide to the Cessna 172 Familiarize yourself with this iconic airplane. Our free class utilizes 3D animations to better illustrate the airplane's systems and operations.

  • See under the cowling and understand how the engine works.
  • Save hours of time and frustration and learn all about the Cessna 172 prior to your next flight.
Cessna 172 Deep Dive Enroll in this course

$0 - Free Course

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