Drone Laws
in Michigan (2023)

Welcome to this wiki. The goal of this wiki is to crowd-source drone information. Having said that, information may be inaccurate, out-of-date, and should not be relied upon for legal advice.

Michigan State Drone Laws
These laws apply in the entire state.

Department of Natural Resources Order 5.1

  • Prohibits the use of a drone in a manner that interferes with department employees from performing their duties.
  • Prohibits drone use within 100 yards of a cultural or historical site or structure, upon or over the Tahquamenon Falls viewing platform, over an occupied beach area, campground, or equestrian facility, over a restroom or open-air changing court.
  • Commercial drone operations in Michigan State parks and recreation areas are allowed only upon granting of a written permission from the department

Ref Michigan State parks and recreation areas


Senate Bill 992 (2015)

  • Prohibits local authorities from regulating UAS operations and allows commercial and recreational drone operations as long as they comply with federal laws.
  • Prohibits drone operations that interfere with emergency operations, violates restraining orders, or infringes upon a person’s right to safety and reasonable expectation to privacy.
  • Prohibits sex offenders from using drones to communicate, stalk, photography, film, or record the persons they are not allowed to contact.

Ref Senate Bill 992 (2015)

Michigan State Pre-emptions

Michigan State Legislature maintains pre-emption for all rules and regulations that concern recreational and
commercial drone use.


Senate Bill 54

Prohibits the use of drones in a manner that interferes with persons engaged in hunting or fishing.

Ref Senate Bill 54


Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act Section 324.40111c

Prohibits the taking of game or fish using an unmanned vehicle that uses aerodynamic forces to achieve flight.

Ref Section 324.40111c

City and County
Drone Laws
These laws apply in some areas.

Local drone laws in Michigan refer to policies and regulations that are enacted and enforced at the county, city, or town levels.


Town of West Bloomfield

Bans all drone operations in parks managed by West Bloomfield Parks and Recreation Commission. [source needs verification]

Ref West Bloomfield News


The University of Michigan

  • Outdoor use of drones on UM property is generally prohibited unless a waiver has been granted by the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer through the IASC.
  • Indoor drone use is allowed without having to apply for a waiver. However, such operations must be done in a space or building with established policies for the safe operations of UAS. Permission needs to be secured from the building manager.

Ref Unmanned aircraft systems policy


Mt. Brighton Ski Resort

  • Prohibits recreational and commercial drone use over any property owned by the Vail Resorts.
  • Commercial drone use is allowed in limited circumstances, when approved by an FAA exemption or with written permission from the resort

Ref Vail Properties policy


Scored % on their FAA Exam